2016 Math Competition
When : April 09, 2016, 12:00PM - 1:00PM(Check-In), 2:00PM(Competition), 5:15PM(Award)
Where : MIT Building 35-225 (127 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139)
Note: This year's venue is different from last year(2015) but same as year 2014.
Registration Link. Please select "New England" Chapter from the table. Online registration ends on 4/4(Monday).
Sample Problems : These sample problems are similar to actual contest problems.
Who can participate
Any (including non-korean heritage) 4-11 grade students around New England area.
Note : There is no 3rd grade competition this year.
Please contact kseane001@gmail.com or contact@kseane.org for more details or questions.
12:00PM - 1:00PM : Onsite registration and Check-in(for whom registered online)
1:00PM - 1:30PM : Opening Remark and explanation on competition rules
1:30PM - 2:00PM : Dispatch participating students to examination room
2:00PM - 3:20PM : Examination(4th-8th Grade: 60 min, 9th-11th Grade: 90 min)
강연1: 함혜욱 교수 (BU) - Korean-American’s 멘붕 (멘탈붕괴)
3:20PM - 4:00PM : Break. Snacks and Drinks will be provided
광고1: 민주평통 통일/안보 비전 대회 안내
강연2: KSEA-NE YG 회장 및 임원, MIT KSA
4:10PM - 5:00PM : 강연3: 이주성 교수 (KAIST) - 미래사회를 만드는 인재 (Change Makers for Future Society)
5:15PM - 5:45PM : Awards
5:45PM - 6:00PM : Closing Remark and Raffle