2020 Math competition

Dear KSEA members and friends,
It is with great pleasure we announce the upcoming Math Competition. This event was originally scheduled last April as the National Math and Science Competition (NMSC) but postponed due to the COVID 19 lockdown. Under the circumstance, we had to make some necessary major changes to make it possible to offer this time: (1) Making it accessible online only, (2) offering mathematics competition only without science competition and physics exams, and (3) announcing award winners two weeks after the exam date. To secure the exam questions and the fairness of the exam, our IT Team has developed a highly secure system to minimize the system compromise using a Moodle system combined with proctoring through Zoom.
We highly encourage students to participate in this event as usual. This will be the first event that Math Competition is offered in an online format. If this system works well, it will help provide easy access and expand our service to reach out to students living in the remote cities in the U.S.
The important dates for the Math Competition are:
NMSC Event Date: 2pm EST/11 am PST, Saturday, December 5, 2020
Eligible Grades: 4th to 11th Grades
Registration Deadline: Nov. 30, 2020
Registration website: nmsc.ksea.org
Exam Platform: Moodle with Proctoring through Zoom
Award Ceremony & Seminar: 2pm EST/11 am PST, Saturday, December 19, 2020 (Link will be provided later)
Thank you for your interest and support for this newly developed NMSC system.